The recently released movie "Ghoomer", directed by R Balki, has received immense praise and recognition. The director himself attended a special screening of the movie, organized by Nidarshana Gowani's Trust ...
In a remarkable effort to combat anemia and promote the vision of an anemia-free India, the Kamala Ankibai Ghamandiram Trust organized an impactful event in Jawahar Nagar, Goregaon. Collaborating with ...
Leading Real Estate Entrepreneur, Social Activist and Philanthropist Nidarshana Gowani was honored as the Top 50 Influential Indians across the world on eve of 75th Independence of India on the ...
Nidarshana Gowani, leading real estate entrepreneur and social activist felicitates nurses from hospitals across Mumbai. The event had more than 50 nurses felicitated in Mumbai. The nurses also engaged in ...